The answers to the quiz.

1 (c)   The break-up of the total establishments by town class is

No. of towns % of business establishments
5 million 4 66
2.5-5 million 4 17
1.0-2.5 million 15 17

2 (b)   The floor area occupied by business establishments in the top 4 metros is

Upto 500 sq. ft. : 20%
501 - 1000 sq. ft. : 25%
1001 - 2500 sq. ft. : 30%
2500+ : 25%

3 (b)   Over 32% of business establishments in the top 23 cities are air-conditioned. It is higher in the metros (40%) and lower in the 2.5-5.0 million as well as 1.0 to 2.5 million town class i.e. both 17% each.

4 (c) & 5 (a)   The location of business establishments in the 4 metros is

…… in an office building : 45%
…… in a shopping complex : 20%
…… in a residential complex : 25%
…….in industrial areas etc. : 10%

6 (d)   Overall, 23% of business establishments in the top 23 cities do not have a signage. Their proportion is higher in the metros (26%) compared to the 2.5 to 5.0 million towns (14%) and the 1.0 to 2.5 million towns (20%)

7 (b)   Nearly 70% of the business establishments in the 4 metros are either quite
old or very old in terms of their interiors. Of these 25% are stated to be
extremely old.