Internet In IndiaOriginally released in 1998, this series of syndicated studies on the Internet market is one of the most exhaustive reports available on the Indian Internet Market. This report covers the entire range of issues that could concern any entity with interest in the internet market viz. ISP's, content provider, portals, investors & venture capitalists, potential internet kiosks and even marketing companies wishing to adopt the new media as a vehicle to reach out to their buyers. The report covers information areas like Internet usage amongst the households, Internet usage amongst businesses, Broadband status of the Indian market, content preferences, cross media consumption, etc. With a coverage of 30 cities, around 16,000 Households, 10,000 Businesses and more than 65,000 Individuals, the comprehensive coverage of this study makes it absolutely unique compared with any other exercise undertaken in the market. Having sold more than 250 volumes to a close to 100 clients, this can easily be termed as the bestseller in the history of syndicated reporting in India. |