IT Hardware sector
registers impressive growth |
These are a few highlights from the just concluded ITOPS '98 update,conducted by BIRD : the Business & Industrial Research Division of IMRB. Aimed at evaluating the performance of the IT hardware sector in the financial year April '97 to March '98, this study builds upon the basic framework created through ITOPs '97, IMRB's first large scale syndicated study on the market for IT and Office Products in the top 23 cities of India. The primary initiator of this update was the apex body of the Indian hardware sector - The Manufacturers Association of Information Technology - MAIT.
This MAIT - IMRB venture is the first of many such exercises proposed in the future for which MAIT has exclusively appointed IMRB to monitor and report on the IT industry performance. Based on a primary survey among 4595 business establishments and 1085 households the update covers a variety of products such as Desktop PCs, Notebooks, Servers, Printers, Key boards, UPS system etc., and to a great deal of depth both on the users and the products. User profile is presented in terms of principle activity and employee size. The products too have been covered in great depth
with break-up by configuration of PC (Pentium 233, 333, 166 etc.)
server type, type of printer, by pin size and speed, monitor size,
type, capacity and rating of UPS etc. These when related to the
city wise details presented in ITOPs '97 provide a benchmark for
evaluating the last two years in terms of product penetration
and growth.
Desk top PC sales, which are the foot solidiers of IT penetration have grown by 37% over the last year to reach a level of about 8,00,000. The greater than 5 million population towns viz. the 4 metros continue to dominate with about 71% of the national sales localised here. Businesses have been responsible for 80% of the Desktop sales, while about 1.7 lakhs were sold to homes
in 97-98; over three times of what the household sector bought
in 1996-97.
Printer sales during 1997-98 were as many as half the number of desk top PCs. 55% of the market was accounted for by DMP sales. Ink jet printers, however, continued to exercise their dominance and accounted for 34% of the total sales, over three times that of laser printers. For every three desk top PCs sold to households, a printer was sold as well. This update will be marketed independently, as well as along with ITOPs '97 in a special `two-year-track' report which traces the growth of the IT hardware sector through various product and user segments, over the two year 1996-97 and 1997-98.
For further details on ITOPS '98 contact :
Mr. Bhupendra Mathur