&Office Products Survey '97 |
Did you know :
Indian market for business products is extremely complex. In urban India
alone, there are 23 cities with populations above one million each, spread
across the length and breadth of the country. Any business or industrial
enterprise could be located in one, some or all of these depending on the
market they wish to cater to. Therefore, while an organisation could
be registered centrally, there is no record of its national network.
Further, with the wave of liberalisation sweeping the country, more and more business entities are emerging on the horizon without any centralised registration or listing, and all these are potential buyers for PCs, or printers, faxes, copiers and related products. The Small Office Home Office (SOHO) is burgeoning with tremendous prospects but with no way of estimating the extent of their presence and hence their requirements. India today is a market with no dearth of potential but a great dearth of reliable information to take investment decisions and devise entry strategies. The need for this data threw up a variety of questions :
This study was conducted by the Business & Industrial Research Division (BIRD) of IMRB. This survey was conducted in 23 towns (Population 1 million +), among over 53,000 business establishments and 13,400 upper income households to establish the penetration, market size and brand share of a variety of IT & office products in each. While product penetration is an essential objective that the study is designed to meet, 'business basics' that have eluded the marketer for years are some of the most pertinent questions that the study addresses. This profiling data is available in the form of a separate report titled DemiPROBE '97, (Demographic Profile of Business Establishments). For those interested in the home market for IT & OA products, the data from 13,400 households is marketed separately as ITOAH ' 97 (IT & OA in homes); which also links with data on readership of business & IT publications in computer owning as well as intending buyer homes. ITOPS '97 is a study on a wide variety of pre-selected IT & office products such as PCs, printers, monitors and peripherals, networking products, UPS systems, photocopiers, fax machines etc. The reports sold on a product specific basis cover issues such as penetration and installed base of the product category, market size, brand share and brand performance for each of the top 23 cities of the country (defined by population). Further, for the top eight cities there is a diagnostic module included that analyses the buying behaviour among last year's acquirers. For further details on ITOPS contact :
Mr. Bhupendra Mathur