National Food Survey II |
Do you eat to live or live to
eat ?
Here is some food for thought :
These interesting facts and more were brought to the fore by NFS I, conducted by IMRB in 1991-'92. |
National Food Survey (NFS) is a specialised, comprehensive study on food
habits and attitudes in urban India. This is the second round of
NFS, NFS I having been conducted in 1991-92. NFS I provided
an overview of food habits and attitudes towards food among Indian housewives.
It represented 11% of the household population of the country in 1991-92,
and all urban population in towns of 5 million or more individuals.
A sample of 8,650 housewives in 32 towns was interviewed to represent a
household population of 16.9 million. The findings of NFS I
created a change in the perspective of marketers of food products in India.
NFS II will represent all cities with a population of 100,000 or more, thus representing over two thirds of urban India. This survey is based on a sample of 18,200 housewives across 101 cities and covers a range of 60 product categories. NFS II carries even greater significance in view of the growing importance of the food processing sector in India. Categories like milk and oils have changed from a seller's market to a buyer's market, commodity items like rice, flour and pulses have changed to being 'branded', all the major food players of the world have aggressively entered India, and the urban consumer has changed a lot in the last 5 years. Also, the Government has extended special facilities to the food processing industry. NFS II is thus being planned to fill the information gaps that will help marketers take advantage of this scenario. Four categories having 16 reports will be generated by NFS II. They are : 1. Habits & Attitudes Relating to Food a) The Kitchen
a) Breakfast Habits
a) Bakery & Breakfast products
1. Habits & Attitudes Relating to Food This report contains an overview of food, cooking and purchase habits like vegetarian/non-vegetarian households, meal occasions and contents, who cooks, who does the chores, cookware and appliances owned, penetration of packaged food products. Changes in food habits or attitudes towards food between NFS I & II will be reported. Will give a description of cooking and dining areas, cookware and dining ware, appliances owned. The report will also focus exclusively on the working wives and the difference between them and housewives. Each occasion report will describe specific eating occasions - items consumed, packaged foods used, participants at each meal, home made and bought out foods. Changes in consumption habits across NFS I and NFS II will also be reported. Each product group report will contain information about : a) penetration of specific products
Coverage The survey centres will be : All
towns of population 4 million + i.e. Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad and Bangalore.
Methodology The target respondent will be the housewife and clustered random sampling will be followed for the survey. Sample sizes per state have been taken in proportion to their urban population. Housewives will be interviewed regardless of social class or income. Special quotas will be set to achieve interviews with working housewives. Three data collection instruments have been used - food habits questionnaire (relates to basic food habits, attitudes, product penetration, profiling variables), product usage questionnaire (product & brand usage & purchase) and a menu census (diary of all foods consumed in the household for one week). However all information will be presented by state, town, class and socio-economic classification. For further details on the National Food Survey contact :
Mr. H. L. Cadambi