Home > Sectors we research > Distribution/ Retail Trade

India is amongst the fastest growing and the most attractive retail destinations in the world. According to IMRB's WalletMonitor (a study representative of Urban India, mapping household expenditure by expenditure heads) while Monthly Household Income has grown 10% CAGR between 2005 and 2007, Monthly Household Expenditure has grown 17% CAGR in the same period. It is this trend of growing incomes and even faster growth in consumerism (manifested in Household expenditure) along with its large young population that makes India a strong long term bet for Indian and Global Retailers and Brands.

While the market is lucrative, the competitive and environmental challenges faced by Modern Retailers and Brand Marketers are several. IMRB | Retail is a specialist consulting practice of IMRB International to help you develop and measure your retail planning and activation programmes. Our unique suite of products and services have been used by clients across a wide cross-section of sectors:

  • Retailers
  • Real Estate Developers
  • Brand Marketers
  • Hospitality – QSRs and Fine Dine
  • Entertainment – Multiplex, Amusement Centres
  • Travel and Tourism – Airports, Tourist Destinations, Petrol Stations etc

IMRB | Retail specialises in doing the following kinds of researches:

Brand Marketer



Real Estate Developers


Shopper Segmentation

Prioritising Trade Areas

Mapping Traffic patterns

Forecasting Residential and Commercial Needs

Location Research – Traffic patterns in catchment and benchmarks for traffic to footfalls to conversions

Store Hot Spots and Cold Spots

Geo-coding of customer base

Customer profiling

Competitive Benchmarking

Customer Profiling

Category Complementarity/Adjacencies

Catchment Area Research – Shopping Needs, Merchandise preferences, Competitive Environment

Traffic and Customer Segmentation

Assessing Site Potential

Competitive Benchmarking

Decision hierarchy and in-store triggers

Location Research – Traffic patterns in catchment and benchmarks for traffic to footfalls to conversions

Merchandising Needs Assessment

Pricing Research for Real Estate

Identifying Upsizing/Cross-selling Opportunities

Merchandise and Display testing

Layout optimization – Hot Spots & Cold Spots; Category Complementarity



Retail Auditing

Retail Brand Tracking

Distribution Chain Evaluation

POS Datamining & Loyalty Analytics

Compliance Measurement

Assessing Private Label opportunities