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Advertising, promotion and media research

Advertising Research
Advertising research derives its importance from the fact that today, a huge chunk of any organisation's marketing expenditure is spent on advertising. Where a good advertisement can do wonders to an organisation's topline, a bad one can tarnish its image for several years to come.

The advent of globalisation has actually left only nominal significance for national boundaries. The incorporation of practices and beliefs typical to foreign cultures has taken place at a rather fast pace. Our preference for cholle-bhature and idli-dosas has been subtly replaced by that for burgers and pizzas, thanks to the McDonaldisation of India. All this has posed a great challenge for advertisers, and this is precisely where Advertising Research comes in handy.

Promotion Research
Promotion has been defined by many marketers as the most significant of the four Ps of marketing. A marketer may create a great product, price it reasonably enough and place it in outlets all over the country, but unless he has promoted it well, or in other words, created an awareness about all that he has done, the consumer would not even ask for it.

Promotion refers to all the non-advertising activities carried out to build awareness or a favourable image about a product or a service. Typically, promotions include exhibitions, trade fairs, contests and road shows. Promotion Research helps an organisation foresee the outcome of all such activities it wishes to undertake.

Media Research
Often interpreted as being synonymous with audience measurement, particularly in the case of newspapers and magazines, Media Research is much more than that.