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Customer satisfaction research
It is very important to establish the customers' perception of the quality of product and service provided. It is a known fact that customers rarely complain - they just don't come back. Customer loyalty is considered to be worth ten times the price of a single purchase, as a loyal customer will return to make further purchases. Moreover, researchers claim that if a customer doesn't like the product or service, he will tell on an average eleven more people. This illustrates the importance of ensuring customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction research is an increasingly becoming an essential ingredient in any program aimed at maintaining, if not increasing the customer base and revenues, enhancing brand value, etc. Conducting customer satisfaction research through a third-party has the advantage that the responses obtained are more reliable, as the respondents are more frank with a third-person. This is because in the case of third-party research, the customer-vendor relationship does not get affected.
Customer Satisfaction Management & Measurement (CSMM) is an independent, specialist unit of IMRB International and the exclusive member of the Walker Information Global Network (WIGN) in the Indian subcontinent . It has many proven methodologies and processes for customer satisfaction research. To know more