A Tribute
Straight from the Heart...

“I was devastated to hear the very sad news of the untimely death of Ramesh. During the past five years I have come toknow and appreciate the deep belief that Ramesh held for the business of Market Research for IMRB and for all the people employed at IMRB. He was a pleasure to work with and will be sorely missed.”

Richard Silman

“I have had the pleasure of working with Ramesh on a number of media projects. As well as being an excellent media researcher and business man, he was also a very warm person with a ready wit. Within the field of media research as well as within KMR, he will be sadly missed. I would like to take this opportunity of passing on my deepest condolences to his family and colleagues.”

Andy Brown
Kantar Media Research

“LMRB was IMRB’s first international venture and Ramesh was instrumental in setting the medium and long term goals for LMRB. His advice and guidance to LMRBon many issues, particularly on having fruitful, professional client relationships and sound financial disciplines has stood LMRBin good stead.

“Ramesh was first and foremost a decent, affable human being. He was extremely fair and stood by us in all our trials and triumphs. He kept a low profile and guided others to achieve greater heights and stood back away from the limelight at that bright shining moment.

“LRMB owes Ramesh, he was indeed the ‘wind beneath our wings.’ All of us at LMRB will miss Ramesh terribly. We wish to place on record our sincere gratitude for all his effor ts towards LMRB’s success.”

Tissa de Alwis

“He was a very talented, good- natured individual. Ramesh and I were friends for over 25 years, and I will miss him dearly”

John Hughes

“I knew Mr. Ramesh Thadani for over 20 years and I have the highest regard for him, both as a professional and as a person. His untimely death is a major loss to the profession of market re-search in India and it may take years to find his replacement.

“Ramesh’s death is also a personal loss to me. He was always very helpful in times of need.

C.B. Sen
Anandabazar Patrika

“Rubina and his family will all miss him terribly – as will all of his colleagues and friends in other MRB Group companies and Kantar companies, his colleagues and friends in Hindustan Thompson & JWT companies far and wide, as well as those that knew him in ESOMAR and other market research organisations around the world... and especially in the UK.

I have known Ramesh since before he joined IMRB, and know him as an intelligent and sophisticated man, an excellent researcher and manager and a man of truth, compassion and integrity.”

John Goodyear
Chairman & CEO of the MRB Group 1980-1986

“Our memories are of such a calm, friendly, very likable man who we shall miss a great deal. He took over at IMRB at a difficult time and transformed the company from a good one to the best in the business and he leaves a gap which will be extremely difficult to fill. His achievements in business will long be remembered and he will never be forgotten by those of us who knew him personally.”

Sheila & Bryan Bates
Formerly with BMRB

“I know he will be missed both as a re-searcher and as a mentor, but above all as a man of intelligence, compassion and humility. It was a privilege for me to have known him during my years at BMRB priorto my retirement five years ago. I found him unfailingly kind and helpful. It is a very sad day for me as it must surely be for allof those who worked for him and for his family. My thoughts are with you all.”

John Samuels
Formerly with BMRB

“Ramesh was undoubtedly leading figure of the Indian marketresearch industry. In Bangladesh, he had taken the leading role in developing our association with IMRB and making possible thegrowth of a modern and vibrant market research sector in thiscountry. We shall always remember with deep gratitude his desire to share generously with us the enormous research expertise that he had been such a key figure in developing in India.

“On a personal level, he had always been unfailingly kind in helping his colleagues achieve the best to themselves and inproviding advice and encouragement for all of us who worked with him.”

Amer Abdul Wahab and Shami Imam

“I will personally miss him very much as will much of the Market Research community in India and the world. I have been lucky to know him as a teacher, summer project guide and co-worker and carry many fond memories of his gentle and patient approach in his interactions with all.”

Shubu Mitra
RDA Group

“When someone close to you goes away suddenly, the heart does not believe it… Ramesh was such a nice and warm person besides be- ing an undisputed leader in the field of research.His loss will be felt by the entire industry.”

Bharat Kapadia

“It feels really bad that that the place that you started out with, the place that had been so much like home,has something like this happening to it. I have never interacted with Mr. Ramesh Thadani (except during the Lyceum days), but I suppose the reason that IMRB has always been such a wonderful place is because of the values that it has always cherished, and I suppose Mr. Thadani would have always stood for that.It is therefore that one feels this sadness, because you realise that the person who had made IMRB what it is today and had ensured that everyone be a part of the progress of this institution while retaining its ‘humanness’ is not with us anymore.”

Malini Pani
MBL – Research & Consultancy Group (P) Ltd.
