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The Henley Centre
The Henley Centre is a demand led strategy-consulting group with a mission to help clients achieve and sustain profitable growth.
Our Strategic Construct: Demand led Approach
- Managing Profitable Growth will be the biggest challenge in the emerging border-less business world
Geographical boundaries no longer limit business. The challenge to staying ahead in this seamless economy is to be competitive in both domestic & global markets. The easy availability of technology & capital, combined with reliance on cost leveraged supply side strategies tend to weaken competitive insulation over time and eventually lead to commoditization of brands and the parity of players.
Therefore, to maximise growth and profit and win over competition, businesses would need to focus on understanding demand and use this understanding to drive their creation and delivery of supply.
- Businesses will become competent on Supply but their Unique understanding of Demand will provide winning strategies to sustain competitive advantage & profitable growth.
As consumers and markets continuously evolve in their needs & sophistication, the challenge would be.
- To successfully identify and understand holistic attractiveness of product-markets.
- To be relevant & differentiated through a well defined strategy to be aligned with the most profitable product markets & consumer segments.
- To ensure that the supply-side processes & organization deliver consistently to the Demand-side mandate.
- Innovate and Develop brands to reflect the totality of the Demand Strategy.
The THC-SMCG Intellectual Capital cuts across all major industry sectors, including new media, fmcg, retail, travel, financial services, leisure, utilities, and telecom. Access to other WPP group companies add to the strength of our resources.
For more information on THC visit www.henleycentre.com