Real time auditing system of multiple delivery aspects at the PoS

The Retail Compliance Tracker is a comprehensive audit tool for auditing almost anything at the store. This can include:

  • Product displays: locations, share of facings, share of variants
  • Visibility of VM, POS material: location, quantity, condition of material etc
  • Purity checks: for special displays, kiosks, gondolas
  • Service quality delivery: for product demos, query handling, staff attitude, billing procedures etc.
  • Store ambience: cleanliness, decor, lighting, air-conditioning, music, seating facilities etc.

The audit is carried out in a 3-step process:

  1. Data capture: Collected in the traditional pen-and-paper form as well as using modern technology in the form of smartphones, tablets etc., supplemented with high resolution on-site photographs
  2. Data integration: Seamless integration of data captured through various sources, which includes individual store data as well as pictures, using a special software. This helps to create unique identities and complete data sets at a store level
  3. Analysis and delivery to client: To provide online access to real-time data and reports at various levels through a customized client portal