A retail network expansion tool

Clients face a number of questions when expanding their retail presence.

Where should my store be located?
Should it be a small, medium, or large format store?
What kind of assortment mix, merchandise?
How do I reach out to the consumers of this catchment?

Both these goals require a deep understanding of consumer behaviour in and around physical retail environments. It is important, therefore, to understand the dynamics between the various elements of the retail environment that drive shopper behaviour. IMRB Retail offers a unique suite of products and services that aids client decision-making across different points of the consumer retail experience.

We believe that every point of sale offers countless research opportunities, because this is where active shoppers are at that critical juncture of deciding on ‘what’ they should buy while the store environment is constantly feeding them stimulus on ‘why’ they should buy.

Currently being used by clients across a variety of industries and sectors, we believe that our offerings give you a much better insight into what makes for the ideal shopper experience, as opposed to traditional research methodologies, which depend heavily on in-home research or ‘forced exposure tests’ in simulated environments supplemented with some in-store research.

RetailScaping is a retail expansion tool that assists in answering these questions. It uses a combination of

  • Geo-demographic coding
  • Consumer interviews in quantitative and qualitative forums
  • Retail landscape mapping through extensive ‘walking the street’ exercises, retailer interviews, and expert opinions in catchments of potential cities/towns

This helps us to identify high potential locations, decide on appropriate store sizes and layouts, and determine a merchandize and product mix that is ideal for the chosen catchment